HABISS Research papers

HABISS at conferences and stake-holder meetings

Cousteau A. and Lo Iacono C., 2023. Towards the FRA institution on Cabliers Coral Reefs. GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives: Transformative actions to address new challenges. Malta, 3-4 October. https://www.fao.org/gfcm/meetings/medfish4ever/en/

Lo Iacono C., 2023. Highlights from EF+ Cruise OASIS: new oasis in the deep! Invited Keynote at the Eurofleets+ Final Conference. 13th September 2023, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

Lo Iacono et al., 2023a. Review and assessment of existing information on Cabliers Coral Mound. Highlights from EU HABIS and OASIS Projects. Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for western Mediterranean of the UN-GFCM. Malaga, 12-13 April 2023.

Lo Iacono C. et al., 2023b.Ecology and hydrodynamic drivers of black coral assemblages in Barkley Canyon, at the core of NE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone. 6th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons – INCISE. Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. Wellington (NZ), 4th-7th December 2023

Puig P. et al., 2023. Sediment transport mechanisms and downward particle fluxes in Blanes Canyon and their influence on cold water coral benthic communities. 6th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons – INCISE. Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. Wellington (NZ), 4th-7th December 2023

Cabrera et al., 2023. Geomorphology and evolution of the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean). New insights from high resolution mapping of vertical cliffs. 6th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons – INCISE. Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. Wellington (NZ), 4th-7th December 2023

Bilan M. et al., 2023. Cold-water coral assemblages along the canyon walls of Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) with notes on vulnerability to increased resuspended sediment. 6th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons – INCISE. Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. Wellington (NZ), 4th-7th December 2023

Lo Iacono C. et al., 2023c. Black coral communities in Barkley Canyon at the core of NE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone. 8th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. Edinburgh, May 2023.

Lo Iacono C., 2022. Physical characterization and VMEs in Cabliers Cold Water Coral reefs, Alboran Sea. GFCM Working Group on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and Essential Fish Habitat (WGVME-EFH)), 22-23 March 2022, on-line conference.

Cabrera C. et al., 2022. Geomorphology and evolution of the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean). New insights from high resolution mapping of vertical cliffs. 1st International Conference on Seafloor Landforms. Processes and Evolution. La Valleta, Malta, 4-6 July 2022.

Puig P. et al., 2022. Topographic constraints of submarine canyon walls on near-bottom currents. 1st International Conference on Seafloor Landforms. Processes and Evolution. La Valleta, Malta, 4-6 July 2022

Puig. P. et al., 2021. Canyon-wall benthic habitats in Blanes Canyon. 5th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons. INCISE Conference – Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. University of Gibraltar, 14-18 June 2022. On-line conference

Duran R. et al., 2021. High-resolution bathymetry of the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean). 5th International Symposium on Submarine Canyons. INCISE Conference – Canyons: Human connections to the deep sea. University of Gibraltar, 14-18 June 2022. On-line conference

Santin A. et al., 2021. Mediterranean coral provinces as sponge diversity reservoirs: is there a Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals sponge fauna? 14th International Coral Reef Symposium. Bremen – Germany, 18-23 July 2021.

Price D. et al., 2021. Using point pattern analysis to identify the non-random distribution of cold-water coral and reef inhabitants. ICRS 2021 – 14th International Coral Reef Symposium. Bremen, Germany, 5-10 July 2021.

Pearman, T., Huvenne, V.A.I., Callaway, A., Hall, R., Lo Iacono, C., 2021. The influence of internal tides on cold-water corals and associated communities in deep-sea submarine canyons. ICRS 2021 – 14th International Coral Reef Symposium. Bremen, Germany, 5-10 July 2021.

HABISS Scientific seminars

Lo Iacono C., 2020. Cold-water coral communities: a bridge between geology, ecology and oceanography. Given to students of the Master in Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management, University of Barcelona.

Lo Iacono C., 2022. What brought me here. Highlights from the EU MSC Project HABISS. Given at a scientific and technical audience at Ocean Network Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. July 2022

Lo Iacono C., 2023. Cold-Water Coral ecosystems in the Alboran Sea. Highlights from EU H2020 Eurofleets+ Cruise “OASIS” and MSC Project “HABISS”. Divulgation and scientific talk at ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, June 2023

GFCM-FRA on Cabliers CWC reefs:

H2020 Eurofleets+ OASIS Cruise:

New OASIS in the deep!